Does Momentum Physical Therapy of New Paltz accept insurance?
Momentum Physical Therapy of New Paltz does not participate with insurance plans directly and is considered an out-of-network provider. You may wonder why this is. The answer is quite simple: This is the best possible way to provide the high quality care you deserve to help you get better, faster. Oftentimes, this translates into lower costs in the long run when compared to traditional insurance based clinics as well as less time in pain and more time doing what you love.
How is this possible?
It starts with an hour of one-on-one care each and every appointment with Dr. Greg Cecere because you will never be double booked. This arrangement allows for very productive and educational sessions focusing on your individual needs. Time will be spent on manual, or hands-on, treatment and exercises/techniques that require the knowledge of a physical therapist to execute. It will not be spent on drills or exercises that can easily be accomplished at home. Instead, those will be part of a comprehensive home training program that will be designed specifically for your needs so that you have the necessary tools, information and confidence to be independent and help yourself. Since there is no rush to the next client, there will also be ample opportunity to have your questions answered. Using this approach, most clients require no more than 1 appointment per week rather than 2-3 at most other clinics. When you put this all together, it becomes clear why this model of physical therapy is an excellent value that produces faster results, and most clients agree that the out-of-pocket expense is more than worth it!
Can I submit a claim to my insurance for reimbursement?
If you have out-of-network benefits, the answer is yes. Depending on your insurance plan, you can receive partial, and sometimes full, reimbursement for physical therapy services by simply submitting a claim. This can be done by printing and filling out a claim form found on your insurance plan's website and including the itemized receipt given to you after each appointment; it will have all of the necessary information needed for reimbursement.
How do I know if I have out-of-network benefits?
This information can be easily obtained by calling the Member Services or Customer Care number on the back of your insurance card. It is best to speak with a representative rather than use the automated menus to make sure you are given correct and the most up to date information. The representative will be able to provide the details of your out-of-network benefits as well as in-network benefits should you want to compare. (Sometimes it is actually cheaper to pay out-of-pocket than to use in-network benefits.) Download and print the Insurance Benefits Worksheet to the right to help guide you when contacting your insurance company. Please contact Greg if you need any assistance.
Still have questions?
Contact Greg, here.